The drug Extacy comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can come in the form of a tablet, capsuls, or liquid. The pills come in many different colours, and has many different logos. It has gained alot of popularity over the last 20 years because of its ability to make you feel strong feeling of comfort, empathy, and connections to other people. You can tend to feel like you love someone or something alot and that you have an increased sensitivity to touch, sound, and light.

Alot of people take it thinking it doesn't harm you just just increases the heart rate so that you can dance all night long without getting tired. It might even kill a person if water is not taken with it or if it is taken in axcess.

Positive Effets:
1. Extream mood lift
2. Increased willingness to communicate with others
3. Increased energy
4. Ego softening
5. Feeling of comfort, belonging, and closeness to others
6. Feelings of love and empathy
7. Forgiveness
8. Increased awarness of music
9. Increased awarness of senses
10. Profound life-changing experiences
11. Urges to hug and kiss people
2. Increased willingness to communicate with others
3. Increased energy
4. Ego softening
5. Feeling of comfort, belonging, and closeness to others
6. Feelings of love and empathy
7. Forgiveness
8. Increased awarness of music
9. Increased awarness of senses
10. Profound life-changing experiences
11. Urges to hug and kiss people
Neutral Effects:
1. Appetite loss
2. Visual distortion
3. Mild visual hallucinations (uncommon)
4. Restlessness, nervouseness, and shivering
5. Change in body temperature regulation
6. Strong desire to do, or want more E, when comming down
2. Visual distortion
3. Mild visual hallucinations (uncommon)
4. Restlessness, nervouseness, and shivering
5. Change in body temperature regulation
6. Strong desire to do, or want more E, when comming down
Negative Effects:
1. inappropriate and/or unintended emotional bonding
2. tendency to say things you might feel uncomfortable about later
3. mild to extreme jaw clenching, tongue and cheek chewing, and teeth grinding
4. difficulty concentrating & problems with activities requiring linear focus
5. short-term memory scramble or loss & confusion
6. muscle tension
7. erectile disfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm
8. increase in body temperature, hyperthermia, dehydration (drink water)
9. hyponatremia (don't drink too much water)
10. nausea and vomiting
11. headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, and vertigo
12. post-trip Crash - unpleasantly harsh comedown from the peak effect
13. hangover the next day, lasting days to weeks
14. mild depression and fatigue for up to a week
15. severe depression and/or fatigue (uncommon)
16. possible strong urge to repeat the experience, though not physically addictive
17. possible psychological crisis requiring hospitalization (psychotic episodes, severe panic attacks, etc) (rare)
18. possible liver toxicity (rare)
19. possible neurotoxicity (controversial)
20. small risk of death. Approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death. (rare)
2. tendency to say things you might feel uncomfortable about later
3. mild to extreme jaw clenching, tongue and cheek chewing, and teeth grinding
4. difficulty concentrating & problems with activities requiring linear focus
5. short-term memory scramble or loss & confusion
6. muscle tension
7. erectile disfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm
8. increase in body temperature, hyperthermia, dehydration (drink water)
9. hyponatremia (don't drink too much water)
10. nausea and vomiting
11. headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, and vertigo
12. post-trip Crash - unpleasantly harsh comedown from the peak effect
13. hangover the next day, lasting days to weeks
14. mild depression and fatigue for up to a week
15. severe depression and/or fatigue (uncommon)
16. possible strong urge to repeat the experience, though not physically addictive
17. possible psychological crisis requiring hospitalization (psychotic episodes, severe panic attacks, etc) (rare)
18. possible liver toxicity (rare)
19. possible neurotoxicity (controversial)
20. small risk of death. Approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death. (rare)
la verdad es q esta bien buena
la verdad es q estan bien buenas
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