Monday, September 3, 2007
I'm sure the market is ready for another Pizza outlet that can come up with more authentic pizzas for our Pakistanis who have by now adapted well to this amazing Italian concept.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
the regretting moment ...
why would one of the football GODs' do something like this to end his carrier ... ??
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
i want to know her name ...
Monday, August 27, 2007
free hug campaign ...
Started by Juan Mann
Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person...
Friday, August 24, 2007
the thousand rupee note ...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
my dream car
Friday, August 17, 2007
bad day
she called me to the principal's office when i gave her the flowers n told me that she was calling me for my suspention's cancellation ... when she went away i bought all the cornettos off Sultan bhai and went to get more flowers ... when i came baq jasim told me that Ms. Rehman was waiting for me in the principal's office so i took the flowers with me and the first question Ms. Rehman asked me when i entered the room was, "are these flowers for me", i mean how important does she think she is to me ... I felt like asking her to get a life for God's sake, i mean look at her age and look at mine ... i seriously do not understand these narrow minded people ... anyway when the principal saw me giving the flowers to Ms. Rehman he got offended and asked me to leave the office ... I quickly ran to the canteen and asked Sultan bhai whether the girl had come or not ... but he said no she didn't ... i was really disappointed because frends had started thinking im some kind of maniac who has really fallen in love this time because i had never acted like this in my life ...
Over all today was the worst day of my life, the reason behind it was that i did not get to see my love the while day ... :
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The best player in the NBA ...

Monday, August 13, 2007
rain is driving me crazy ... =|
So thats wht i do not like the rain ... but on the other hand at least the plants got something to drink, knowing about the scarcity of water in our city ...
Friday, August 10, 2007
my friends do not understand me ...
If only she talks to me once, my friends would think positively again ... Help me tell me what to do ...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007

2. Increased willingness to communicate with others
3. Increased energy
4. Ego softening
5. Feeling of comfort, belonging, and closeness to others
6. Feelings of love and empathy
7. Forgiveness
8. Increased awarness of music
9. Increased awarness of senses
10. Profound life-changing experiences
11. Urges to hug and kiss people
2. Visual distortion
3. Mild visual hallucinations (uncommon)
4. Restlessness, nervouseness, and shivering
5. Change in body temperature regulation
6. Strong desire to do, or want more E, when comming down
2. tendency to say things you might feel uncomfortable about later
3. mild to extreme jaw clenching, tongue and cheek chewing, and teeth grinding
4. difficulty concentrating & problems with activities requiring linear focus
5. short-term memory scramble or loss & confusion
6. muscle tension
7. erectile disfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm
8. increase in body temperature, hyperthermia, dehydration (drink water)
9. hyponatremia (don't drink too much water)
10. nausea and vomiting
11. headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, and vertigo
12. post-trip Crash - unpleasantly harsh comedown from the peak effect
13. hangover the next day, lasting days to weeks
14. mild depression and fatigue for up to a week
15. severe depression and/or fatigue (uncommon)
16. possible strong urge to repeat the experience, though not physically addictive
17. possible psychological crisis requiring hospitalization (psychotic episodes, severe panic attacks, etc) (rare)
18. possible liver toxicity (rare)
19. possible neurotoxicity (controversial)
20. small risk of death. Approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death. (rare)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
the good old times ...

Friday, August 3, 2007
The power of Ice Cream
All I want to do is find out who is this Cornetto girl and talk to her. Wait a minute!!! I already had that chance; I blew it twice maybe thrice!! What's wrong with me??
All I think about is that first time she walked in, held a flirty berry cone in her hand and started to eat it. Every bite she took I felt her eat away a piece of my heart. I wanted to go to her and talk. But I don't know what to talk about. Second time I see her…it's the ice cream cone once again!!! Its like when I see her eating an ice cream cone, I imagine her holding my heart – and I just want to go up to her and tell her what she is doing to my heart . . .. . I'm not making sense anymore am I??
I need to examine the cone in detail to figure out what it is that connects us together? What draws me to her? Today I incidentally ate 4 cones in total. Good flavors and I especially love the end of it when the biscuit gets nice and crispy thick with chocolate at the end. Ok I need to go cool off now with another one.
Oh where are you my Cornetto Cone walee??
Thursday, August 2, 2007
I don't know what is wrong with me ... I NEED HELP ...
All my friends are worried specially Jasim, because I turned down Shaila's offer to a party at her place. This was the first time I ever turned any female down.
Then yesterday I went to the canteen and asked Sultan Bhai to let me know whenever she comes in the canteen. After talkin to Sultan Bhai, I turned back to go and there she was standing right in front of me. Those eyes looking right into mine and those lips giving me a sweet smile. I moved and let her go and sat on a chair near by. She asked Sultan Bhai for a Cornetto and sat on a chair in front of the counter. I tried fixing my hair and walked towards her. Suddenly her eyes looks at me again and I turned back to Sultan Bhai and asked him for a Cornetto with my back towards her. Just can't build up the confidence. Somebody please tell me what to do. I'm messed up.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
the mehndi i went to last night ...
Monday, July 30, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007
the girl of my dreams ...
she was the most beautiful creature i had seen, more like an angel without her wings.
her hair were as shiny as kiwi shoe polish, her teeth were as white as snow, her face was as clear as a newly made glass, her eyes shining like a diamond, her lips as red as the cornetto flirty berry icecream's strawberry part, her smile much better than monalisa's, her skin as smooth as a baby's bottom ...
did i mention she was awsome ...
and for the first tym in ma entire life it felt funny, somethin like i had never felt like before ... i wanted to go up to her but she knocked me out ...
she asked sultan bhai for a flirty berry ... her voice sounded like a beautiful nightingale ... i cudnt stop staring at her ...
even though she finished her flirty berry and went away i was still in a shock ...
i just wish i can build up the confidence to go up to her ... *sigh*
Thursday, July 26, 2007
a funny thing happened on the way to the bathroom
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cornered militant blows himself up

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Pirated Harry Potter books seized in India
and the worst part is tht i still din get ma copy of the book ...
if only i cud go to banglore and get one of those pirated copies it wud be cheaper than the copies here ... but then on the other hand it wud cost me more ... i mean its common sense ... i wud hav to pay for the ticket and the visa which wud be 5 tyms more the price of the books itself ... i'd rather wait for the book ... as they all say "sabar ka phal mitha hota hai" ...
Britain hit by worst flooding in 60 years

Saturday, July 21, 2007
bomb scare at park towers

Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
a hectic day ...
so i called up an office collegue who has gone there to help organize the awards n she told me tht they need volenteers for the back stage ...
i told my sister about it n she was all hyper n happy n it made me feel gud some how ...
in the mornin i had to wake up early faraz asked me to go with him to the gym so i tagged along with him ...
after we were done excercising i went to grab some food frm the snack bar at gymkhana but the waiter tomme tht the snack bar wudn't open till 12 p.m. ... so i just ordered some cheese toast n chicken sandwiches ...
when i got back home my mother asked me to go help my grand father with his computer, coz his printer had a paper stuck in it ...
n then after fixin ma grandfather's printer i just got back home n rested for a while n headed to my office ... n im so sleepy tht i can dose off any second ...
so imma gettin baq to bed ...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
makro ... :D
i had gone with ma frend n his family to makro for the first time ... it was kinda kool though ..
my frend n maself went crazy there ...
shopped alot but enjoyed more than tht ...
while we were shoppin this internie frm unilever came up to us n asked us to fill this servey form that had to do somethin with tea ...
neway we went baq to ma frend's grandparent's place ... had our lunch n then got baq home ...
when i was on ma way home ma frend called me up n asked me whether i wud like to work for the tma's ...
im not too sure if i can make it though, too bzy with my frend's brother's weddin n stuff ...
oh btw i was just goin through ma old memories when i remembered the conference i had gone to ... it was actually an openin ceremony of this new buildin tht the LG ppl r constructin ... its called G4 ... boy its an awsome departmental store just hope it turns out to look as gud as it has been presented in the model ...
khair neway ... its been a really tirin day today so imma bounce now ...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
what does the government want ... ??
dun ppl love themselves ... ?? i mean r they screw in the head or somethin ...
if only i was the leader of this country i wud have actually done somethin ... as in take over all the mosques of the country, n allow females to do whteva they want ... as long as they come to see me everyday ... :)
neway ... im off ...
im kinda sleepy ...
the paki governement
my best frend hates me ... she thinks im a complete loozer ... :(
i help her out most of the tym n she thinks im a loozer ...
wht has the world come to ...
sob sob ... :'( but who cares ... girls r over me neway ...
i've got girls frm every corner of the globe beggin to hook up with me ...
is it my looks or is it just ma personality ...
hmmm ... kabhi ghuroor nahin kiya ....
neway i gotta run ... ma dad's takin the whole family for a dinner so catch maself up later ... :P
Saturday, June 30, 2007
of cats and dogs

Heavy rains in the city. Dad came back all soaked from head to toe but its so surprising that we dint get even 1% of the rain that the rest of the city got. I feel kinda left out now that dad has told me the story.
It would have been amazing had the school been open. Last year we had an amazing time bunking out of school right before the first class. There may have been at least 7 people stacked in my santro as we discovered parts of the city which we had imagined, never existed. One hell of a ride. This time though the inclement weather kinda took a toll on everyone. I stayed home watching the formula 1 qualifiers. Luckily KESC stopped playing tricks right when the race was about to start. Too bad Alonso had an engine failure. I have kept such high hopes off him all thru the season.
Tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. There is a surprise I should rather keep off the internet, at least for now. But its very exciting and I have a couple of her friends in on the secret so its rather well planned.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
the wait is over! im here!
You must be wondering who I am and why you would be waiting for me!
Well, there can be one of many reasons why you'd want to know yours truly, some of which might be the fact that I'm just too good to be true (goes out to all you ladies out there...your knight has arrived on his steed!)
Let me take this chance to tell you a bit more about me before you start drooling all over your keyboard
Sarmad a.k.a. the world's biggest Manchester united fan!
I'm a go getter and don't usually sit around using the internet!
You'd mostly find be either hanging with my pals, playing soccer or gobbling down my favorite Chinese dish! (long live the chinese for their gift of their cuisine to the world!)
Although on many a occasion, I'd be out with on a date...or two....depending on my schedule ... (ahem)
So rest assured, you're gonna get something tasty each time you pop by to check out the latest "adventures"
in my life.. but for now....cheerio!!